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We are now offering the SPOT Platinum Plus allergy test!


This test examines 92 different environmental allergies as well as provides a quick assessment of 24 of the most common food hypersensitivities. This test has become recognized as the gold standard for serum allergy testing. With this allergy testing you will receive a booklet that is custom made for your pet and their specific allergies. This profile booklet includes a list of foods free from offending allergies as well as a general overview on allergies, types of treatment, source guide to where allergens are found in the environment, and a guide to “allergy proofing” your home.


We emphasize wellness and preventative health care from your furry friend's first visit as a puppy or kitten all the way through their gray-faced senior years. 


Nutrition is a huge part of keeping your pet healthy!


We have partnered with Home Again to work towards getting as many lost pets back home to their owners.


© 2024 Copyright Gulley Park Pets Clinic. 

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